Azerbaijan appoints preacher at Armenian Dadivank monastery in Karabakh

  • 07/12/2020

Azerbaijan has appointed Rafik Danakari, an Udi, as a preacher at the Armenian Dadivank monastery in Karvachar Region of Karabakh, according to Azerbaijani media.

Danakari stated that there are more than 300 “Albanian” churches in Karabakh, and he is going to visit them.

Earlier, Azerbaijanis and Udis visited Dadivank and prayed there.

On November 9, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a joint statement on a complete cessation of hostilities— which Azerbaijan had launched on September 27—in and around Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Accordingly, Russian peacekeepers are deployed in the region to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire and the cessation of hostilities. But this statement also stipulates the handover of part of Artsakh lands to Azerbaijan.