Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan: No option left for us – either today or never!

  • 16/05/2024

Last night, under the cover of darkness, another session of the infamous border demarcation and delimitation commissions took place, as a result of which we record that this government has not deviated from its criminal path. Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, leader of the Tavush for the Homeland movement and Primate of the Diocese of Tavush of the Armenian Apostolic Church, stated this in his video message Thursday.

“This is evidenced by the agreement on the description of the protocol, the press releases, and the clarifications given by the office of the head of the [Armenian] government. It is happening at the expense of our state, our people, our lives and our citizens, our existence in general.

The broad justifications—in the legal, legislative field—which were given by many specialists, the recorded facts, the moral bases, and at the same time the broad disagreement expressed by the citizens had no impact on the authorities.

full article here