World Council of Churches calls on Azerbaijan to release all Armenian prisoners The 11th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe, which was attended by the official delegation from ...

Azerbaijan intends to turn church in Berdzor into mosque Azerbaijan has developed a project to turn Surb Hambardzum Church in Berdzor into a mosque, Hovik Avanesov, head of Stepanakert ...

Attack on Azerbaijani embassy in UK: London shows Baku its place? The Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of ...

In favor of Turkey: UN General Assembly President deletes from his Twitter account post about visit to Tsitsernakaberd UN General Assembly President Abdulla Shahid deleted from his Twitter account the entry about his visit to Tsitsernakaberd. Abdulla Shahid said ...

Armenian church opens in Spain’s Malaga Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Pontifical Legate of the Pontifical Legation of the Western Europe of the Armenian Apostolic Church, visited the ...

US President visits Armenian Church of the Nativity Cathedral in Bethlehem U.S. President Joe Biden visited the Armenian Church of the Nativity Cathedral in Bethlehem, representative of the Armenian Patriarchate of ...

Armenian ‘Green Church’ of Artsakh’s Shushi is destroyed by Azerbaijanis The Hovhannes Mkrtich or Kanach Zham (Green Church) Armenian Church of Shushi, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) was completely destroyed by the Azerbaijanis. ...

Artsakh Diocese Primate: Azerbaijan wants to replace Dadivank’s Armenian clergy with Baku’s Russian Diocese servants There is information that Azerbaijan wants to ask the Russian side so that the Armenian clergy of Dadivank Monastery are ...

Azerbaijan sees Armenia but not itself in US State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report Azerbaijan has only partially managed to see the US State Department’s 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom. Thus, publications in the ...

Azerbaijani authorities rapidly build mosques in occupied Armenian settlements Azerbaijani authorities are rapidly building mosques in occupied Armenian settlements of Hadrut and Shushi. Gunduz Ismailov, deputy chairman of the State ...