Terrorists kill Armenian Catholic priest, his father, in Syria’s Qamishli

news.am Terrorists in Syria have killed Fr. Hovsep Bedoyan, pastor of the Armenian Catholic community of Qamishli, Syria, and his father, ...

Senior Vatican official paid tribute to memory of the Armenian Genocide victims

panorama.am Secretary for Relations with States within the Holy See's Secretariat of State Archbishop Paul Gallagher visited the Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide ...

The presence of Catholic church to contribute to prosperity of the Armenian public – Archbishop Paul Gallagher

panorama.am “My visit to Armenia is aimed at reassuring our friendship which characterizes the relations between Armenia and Vatican,” Secretary for ...

Removal of Church History from School Curriculum Causes Divide in Armenia

civilnet.am Armenia’s Ministry of Education plans to remove the History of the Armenian Church subject from the school curriculum and incorporate ...

Supreme Spiritual Synod welcomes US House of Representatives decision on Armenian Genocide recognition

news.am he Armenian Genocide resolution, which the US House of Representatives passed on October 29, was reflected on at the meeting ...

Armenian Apostolic Church calls on government to refrain from adopting Istanbul Convention

news.am Armenia’s bishops and diocesan leaders have issued a statement on the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence ...

Unemployment rate among Christian men is the highest in the nation

fides.org New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - Indian Christians are among the last in terms of human development in Indian society. The ...

Папа Римский примет Владимира Путина 4 июля

ru.rfi.fr Как сообщает пресс-служба Ватикана, в следующем месяце, 4 июля, состоится встреча Папы Римского Франциска I и президента РФ Владимира Путина. ...

May 19 marks 100th anniversary of Pontic genocide

news.am Today marks the 100th anniversary of the genocide of Pontic Greeks. Hundreds of thousands Greeks were killed for their ethnicity ...

Assyrians in Armenia

civilnet.am Verin Dvin, a village not too far from Armenia’s capital Yerevan, is home to the largest community of Assyrians in ...