State Department: Term “Armenian” remains common slur in Turkey Armenians, Alevis, and other Christians remained the subject of hate speech and discrimination in Turkey, State Department said in its ...

Historic Istanbul church vandalised in graffiti attack A historic Armenian church in in Istanbul has been vandalised with graffiti, sparking outrage among Christians and minorities activists. The messages ...

Village in India’s Gujarat State Bans Entry of “Christian Outsiders” A village located in India’s Gujarat state has hung banners banning the entry of what it calls “Christian outsiders”. The ...

Armenian Apostolic Church appoints first-ever representative in Rome The Armenian Apostolic Church, one of six in the Oriental Orthodox communion, will have a fixed representative in Rome, similar ...

Donald Trump is right to redefine gender as only male and female, say Christians The Trump administration is set to scrap "gender identity" in federal law and return to the previous legal definition of ...

The Pope compares populists to HITLER and says ‘the sowing of hate’ was to blame for World War Two Pope Francis has compared populists to Hitler and said the 'sowing of hate' was to blame for the Second World ...

Iran Is Witnessing ‘One of Fastest Growing Church Movements,’ but Christians Face Intense Persecution Iranian Christians are witnessing one of the "fastest growing underground church movements" in the world, a ministry has said, but ...

America’s pastors still back Trump – with reservations Protestant pastors in the US mainly say they approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing, according to a ...

Порошенко: «государственной церкви не будет» Никто не будет насильно переводить православных священнослужителей и прихожан из одной церкви в другую: об этом заявил президент Украины на ...

Rebirth of the movement for Islamic-Christian dialogue “Silsilah” in Marawi    (9.05.2018) In Marawi, a town on the island of Mindanao made famous by the occupation of jihadist groups linked ...