Turkey’s Churches publish landmark book of common Christian doctrine

worldwatchmonitor.org  (03.28.2018) A joint commission of Turkey’s major Christian denominations has published an historic book of concise Christian doctrine, receiving the ...

Turkish president Erdogan recites Islamic prayer at Hagia Sophia despite historic link to secularism

independent.co.uk  (03.31.2018) Site once served as seat of Greek Orthodox Church before conversion to imperial mosque, as Greece continues to oppose religious ...

Coptic teacher charged with contempt of religion for questions about Muhammad

worldwatchmonitor.org  (03.22.2018) A Coptic teacher at an Egyptian state school has been charged with contempt of religion after including wordplays in ...

Pakistani Christian faced with death sentence for blasphemy acquitted

christiantoday.com  (03.23.2018) A Pakistani Christian who had faced a death sentence for two years has now been acquitted. His lawyer said the ...

Turkey: date set for trial of US pastor Andrew Brunson

worldwatchmonitor.org  (03.21.2018) Imprisoned US pastor Andrew Brunson is set to stand trial before a Turkish criminal court on 16 April on ...

So Christianity is no longer the norm? Going underground will do it good

theguardian.com  (03.22.2018) Young people rejecting religion is not bad news for Christianity: the faith needs to embrace its weirdness and mystery It’s ...

‘Christianity as default is gone’: the rise of a non-Christian Europe

theguardian.com Figures show a majority of young adults in 12 countries have no faith, with Czechs least religious Europe’s march towards a ...

Armenia MFA: Azerbaijan attempts to by all means conceal Sumgait massacre

news.am Azerbaijan attempts to by all means conceal the Sumgait massacre, to avoid responsibility and to shift attention from it through ...

Colosseum to be lit red for persecuted Christians

catholicnewsagency.com (2.07.2018) The Roman Colosseum will be illuminated by red lights later this month to draw attention to the persecution of ...

Attack on a church: Christians forgive the aggressors

fides.org  (2.16.2018) Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - After the attack, the response was forgiveness. Pastor Samson Ashiq who leads the community of ...