The crisis of religious minority schools worsens. Now there are only 24  (11.24.2017) Istanbul (Agenzia Fides). The 24 schools belonging to Foundations and bodies associated with Christian minorities in Turkey are experiencing ...

Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century  (11.08.2017) Concentrated in Europe, Orthodox Christians have declined as a percentage of the global population, but Ethiopian community is highly observant ...

The war against Pope Francis  (10.27.2017) Pope Francis is one of the most hated men in the world today. Those who hate him most are ...

Armenian community bookstore glass broken by unidentified person in Turkey’s Malatya An unidentified person broke the glass of a bookstore in Turkey’s Malatya town with a stone in the evening, and ...

Georgia’s Baby Boom and the Union of Church and Birthrate o mark St. George's Day this week, the head of Georgia’s Orthodox Church (GOC) Patriarch Ilia II will baptize nearly ...

Iranian priest: Christians donate blood and collect aid for the brothers and sisters killed in the earthquake  (11.14.2017) Tehran (Agenzia Fides)  - Christian communities present in Iran "are involved in the mobilization to assist Iranian brothers and ...

Turkish marriage law a blow to women’s rights, say activists  (11.14.2017) Bill allowing Muslim clerics to conduct civil marriages passed despite protests amid fears it could lead to more child ...

Many Countries Favor Specific Religions, Officially or Unofficially  (10.03.2017) Islam is the most common state religion, but many governments give privileges to Christianity More than 80 countries favor a ...

Kurdistan in difficulty: After the vote for independence, people are fleeing Kirkuk (Agenzia Fides) - "The situation is constantly evolving. Baghdad is putting into practice what the Iraqi Parliament, already in ...

Патриарх Кирилл рассказал о скрипе в зубах от дискуссий в соцсетях Интернет захламлен, и его следует фильтровать, рассказал патриарх Кирилл студентам. Студенты хотели спросить его о яхтах церкви и ВИЧ-диссидентстве, но ...