Turkish MP says ‘no use in teaching maths to a child who doesn’t know jihad’

independent.co.uk  (7.25.2017) A member of the Turkish parliament's national education commission has said there is no use teaching maths to students ...

Freedom of religion is worth fighting for in Europe, says Angela Merkel

christiantoday.com  (7.16.2017) Freedom of religion in Europe is worth fighting for, alongside freedom of speech and freedom to travel, according to ...

Germany: Chechen Sharia Police Terrorize Berlin

gatestoneinstitute.org   (06.08.2017) A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to local police ...

‘Roughly Half’ of Iraqi, Syrian Christians Have Fled Middle East Since 2011, Report Says

christianpost.com  (6.11.2017) An investigative report on displacement and emigration of Christians in Syria and Iraq estimates that at least 50 percent ...

Jewish Armenologist Michael Stone on Armenian culture and unique archaeological discoveries

panorama.am  (6.12.2017) “When I was doing my PhD I started to learn Armenian. I [also] learned to have great affection for ...

Turkish schools to stop teaching evolution, official says

theguardian.com Evolution will no longer be taught in Turkish schools, a senior education official has said, in a move likely to ...

As many as one in five teens is Christian, new study finds

christiantoday.com  (6.18.2017) As many as one fifth of teenagers are 'active followers of Jesus', according to new research. And one of the ...

Anglican Church Seeing Small Resurgence in Britain, Report Says

christianpost.com  (5.15.2017) Anglicanism in Britain is beginning to see an upward trend due to a resurgence in patriotism and pride in ...

Pope Francis says ‘God cannot be God without man’. And we need another clarification

lifesitenews.com  (6.07.2017) VATICAN.   Pope Francis again sparked calls for clarification today as he stated before the crowds in St. Peter’s ...

The ’Splainer: What is the Ayatollah Khomeini mausoleum and why was it attacked?

religionnews.com The ’Splainer (as in, “You’ve got some ’splaining to do”) is an occasional feature in which RNS gives you everything ...