Muslims are the fastest-growing religious group in the world. The growth and regional migration of Muslims, combined with ... (2.16.2017)
In Germany, where the Protestant Reformation began 500 years ago, the Protestant and Catholic Churches are making a show ... (2.06.2017)
Morocco’s High Religious Committee has retracted its Islamic ruling stating that apostasy is punishable by death and has ... (4.02.2015)
Why Muslims Are Rising Fastest and the Unaffiliated Are Shrinking as a Share of the World’s Population
The religious ... (2.05.2017)
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has issued a statement focussing on the importance of Christian hospitality, and ...
Large gaps in education levels persist, but all faiths are making gains – particularly among women
Frenchtown halls can continue bedecking their entrance halls with nativity scenes, the country’s highest administrative court ruled on Wednesday, after a bitter two-year battle over whether doing so flouted rules on secularism.
The national education council is set to discuss the introduction of religious courses to primary schools and kindergartens across Turkey, raising fresh concerns over the rise of religious conservatism in the country.
The education policy of the Justice and Development Party (in Turkish, Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi - AKP) under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdo?an in Turkey has increasingly been a topic of debate among international observers.
The politics of Turkey have been transformed in profound ways during the rule of the Justice and Development Party (JDP), or, as it is also commonly known, the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP).