Армянская церковь в Бердзоре под угрозой превращения в мечеть

armeniasputnik.am Овик Аванесов считает, что азербайджанцы готовятся реализовать свой давний план по превращению церкви в мечеть. Ажиотаж вокруг церкви Святого Вознесения ...

Ծառայության վայրն ինքնակամ լքել է և մեկնել ԱՄՆ․ քահանան կարգալույծ է հռչակվել

hraparak.am hraparak.am Կարգալույծ է հռչակվել Տ. Ադամ քահանա Մովսեսյանը։ Այս մասին տեղեկանում ենք Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածնից։ Հունիսի 7-ին Ն.Ս.Օ.Տ.Տ. Գարեգին Երկրորդ Ծայրագույն ...

Armenian community of Bulgaria rejects Armenia’s position on Artsakh issue

news.am The council of the Armenian community of Bulgaria is outraged and categorically rejects the statements voiced recently about the recognition ...

US State Department: Azerbaijan is destroying Armenian spiritual heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh

news.am The US Department of State has released the 2022 Religious Freedom Report of the United States Commission on International Religious ...

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin: Armenian clergy continue their spiritual service in Dadivank thanks Russian peacekeepers

news.am The Armenian clergymen in Dadivank continue their spiritual service thanks to the grateful mission of the Russian peacekeepers, which ensures ...

Don’t Just Remember the Armenian Genocide. Prevent It From Happening Again

time.com Every year on April 24 we mark the 1915 Armenian genocide, in which up to 1.5 million Armenians perished at ...

Biden: We renew our pledge to never forget Armenian Genocide

news.am Today, we pause to remember the lives lost during the Meds Yeghern—the Armenian genocide—and renew our pledge to never forget. ...

French Senator calls for arming Armenia

armenpress.am French Senator Gilbert-Luc Devinaz, the Chairman of the France-Armenia Friendship Group, has called for more support to Armenia in addition ...

Keeping alive the memory of the victims of Armenian Genocide is the minimum duty of all humanity – Greek FM Dendias

armenpress.am Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece Nikos Dendias has said that keeping the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims alive ...

‘We remain concerned by attempts to repeat the Armenian Genocide in Nagorno- Karabakh’ – State of Colorado Proclamation

armenpress.am Governor of the U.S. State of Colorado, Jared Polis, has proclaimed April 24th, 2023 as Colorado Day for the Remembrance ...