Aram I: Joint efforts needed on the path to recovery for Lebanon

  • 12/06/2024

n an interview with Vatican News, the Catholicos of Cilicia of the Armenians, Aram I, reflects on the dire situation in Lebanon and the importance of the Day of Prayer and Reflection held on 1 July on the path of recovery for the country.

By Vatican News staff writer

Pope Francis and Lebanon’s Christian leaders held a Day of Prayer and Reflection in the Vatican on Thursday, for the current situation in the trouble-ridden country, and to implore for the grace of peace and stability.

Among the delegation of the Christian leaders was Aram I, the Catholicos of Cilicia of the Armenians, who spoke to Robert Attarian from Vatican News about the ecumenical meeting and the current situation in Lebanon.

A landmark event

“The meeting in the Vatican of the Christian spiritual leaders of Lebanon was in my opinion, a landmark event – not in the political sense – but in the perspective of Christian-Muslim cohabitation,” the Catholicos said.

full article here