Bishop Sahak Marashlian elected 85th Armenian patriarch of Istanbul

  • 11/12/2019

The Armneian Patriarchate of Constantinopele (Istanbul) on Monday elected Bishop Sahak Marashlian as its 85th leader.

Bishop Sahak Marashlian secured the highest majority of votes to hold the high-ranking church title.

″In the first round of the election for the 85th patriarch, Bishop Sahak Mashalian received a considerably high number of votes. So the 12 delegates and 17 clergymen will be heading [to the Patriarchate] today to vote for officializing his enthronment as a patriarch,″ Ara Gochunyan, the editor-in-chief of the local daily Zhamanak, told on Wednesday.

He added that the new patriarch will be ushered into the monastery by two clergy members and two secular delegates.

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