A lesson from Azerbaijan about life in a global Church

  • 05/03/2017
  • John L. Allen Jr.

cruxnow.com  (2.25.2017)

Salesian Father Vladimír Fekete, the Apostolic Prefect of Azerbaijan, recently made a couple of statements that may seem puzzling to Western ears. Walking a mile in his shoes, however, is basically the price of admission to life in a global Church.

By any measure, Father Vladimír Fekete, the Catholic Church’s Apostolic Prefect of Azerbaijan, has a tough gig.

He’s the head of an infinitesimally small Catholic community, estimated at about 600 souls in an overwhelmingly Shia Muslim population of 10 million, and one that has to make its way in a society in which Christians are forever the “other” because of the national rivalry with neighboring Armenia.

full article here