Different signals from the Turkish authorities towards schools and foundations of non-Muslim minorities

  • 10/11/2021


Ankara (Agenzia Fides)  – Apparently contradictory and difficult to decipher signals are coming from the different levels of Turkish power regarding the state of difficulty in which foundations and schools linked to minority religious communities have found themselves for some time.

In recent days, the planning and budget commission of the Turkish Ministry of Education has by majority rejected a motion presented by the Armenian parliamentarian Garo Paylan, in which he asked to allocate part of the ministerial budget of 2022 to support educational institutions linked in various ways to the local Christian and Jewish communities. Mr Palyan, current Co-president of the HDP (People’s Democratic Party, an opposition group that brings together Kurdish political organizations and left-wing forces) had proposed to allocate 40 million Turkish lira to Armenian, Greek, Jewish and schools linked to other minority communities, educational institutions that had also been severely affected by the pandemic crisis. The Armenian parliamentarian’s proposal, reported in the minutes of the commission meeting of November 2 and reported by the Armenian-Turkish newspaper Agos, referred to the sum of 10 to 12,000 Turkish liras that the Turkish Ministry of Education allocates annually to each public school student.

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