Removal of Church History from School Curriculum Causes Divide in Armenia

  • 02/11/2019

Armenia’s Ministry of Education plans to remove the History of the Armenian Church subject from the school curriculum and incorporate it into the History of Armenia syllabus.

The History of the Armenian Church subject was introduced in 2002. It begins in the 5th grade and is taught right up to the 9th grade. The classes include lessons on the Bible, Armenian spiritual leaders, the Armenian Church including Church architecture, lessons on church rites as well as periods of prayer.

Armenia’s deputy minister of education, Arevik Anapiosyan wrote on Facebook that the removal of the subject does not mean belittling the important role the Church played in the history of the Armenian people. “What is the goal of the History of the Armenian Church subject? If the goal is to emphasize the role and importance of the Armenian Church in history, in the existence and development of the Armenian people, then this can best be done, in my opinion, through the subject “History of the Armenian people”, where the role and importance of the Church is irrefutable,” she wrote.

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